Solid Polyester Fiber

Solid Fibers are a group of polyester staple fibers which is used in products that need high strength and tenacity as layers or strengthener. They can be used across all industries. They tend to be rougher, so they are not popular in the bedding industry. Solid Fibers may be manufactured from Polyethylene terephthalate or recycled PET flakes which are known as Virgin Solid or Recycled Solid Fibers.

  • Toys
  • Furniture
  • Mattress materials of furniture industry
  • Clothing industry
  • Needle punched materials
  • Automotive industry
  • Geotextiles
  • Denier Cut Tenacity (Gr/Den) Elongation Defects (mg/100gr) Color
    7±1 64±3 Appx 3 45±5 0-150 White-Black-Other
    15±1 64±3 Appx 3 40±5 0-150 White-Black-Other
    Other deniers Other cuts       Other